Forbes (1939): ‘In the Euchromiinae M2 of the hind wing is rudimentary or absent, being represented by a faint vein or line of scales from the angle of the disco- cellular, and Cu1 and Cu2 are stalked or united; while in the Ctenuchinae M2 is fully developed and curved, arising from below the angle of the discocellulars, and Cu1 and Cu2 are widely separated except in the Horama group. A few aberrant genera also have M2 obsolescent from the angle but Cu2 well separated.’ Fleming (1957): ‘The absence of vein Sc in the hindwing separates the Euchromiinae from other families of Trinidad moths. In this subfamily vein M2 of the hindwing is rudimentary or absent but often represented by a vein·like line of scales. Whereas in the subsequent subfam- ily, Ctenuchinae, vein M2 of the hindwing is present. Veins CUl and CU2 are stalked or united in the Euchromiinae, but in the Ctenuchinae. with the exception of the Horama and related genera, they are widely separated.’